Department of Research and Development organises on A Special Lecture on Quantitative and Qualitative Research on 19/04/2022. . Dr K Suresh, PG and research Dept of Economics, RKM Vivekananda College delivered a lecture on the topic Sample Questionaire and data Collection. Dr J V Arun, Assistant Professor, Dept of Economics, Govt Arts College for Men, Nandanam delivered a special lecture on promoting Integrity and publication Ethics in Social Science and Research
Read MoreWebinar on “Insight int Civil Procedure Code” was conducted on 26/03/2022. The Law regulating the procedure to be followed in civil court is governed by the Civil Procedure Code and this Civil Procedure Code is one of the most important branches of procedural law. As we all know, “Ignorance of law is not a defense” and every Indian should know the laws of this nation. This webinar will fresh up you on important areas of CPC including inherent powers, reference, review & revision and jurisdiction. It refreshes and brings you an enlightened scope in CPC.
Read MoreA Special lecture on “POWERS AND DUTIES OF LIQUIDATOR AND LIQUIDATION PROCESS” conducted on 25th march. Mr. ASHISH. J, an advocate of the High Court of Madras was the resource person. There was an ice breaking Recap session on CSR , Shares then we went on looking into the details of Liquidators and saw the Definition and discussion on sec 2(23) with help of bare act reference
Read MoreDepartment Intellectual property Right of Saveetha School of Law ,SIMATS organised a Guest Lecture on “Divorce under Hindu Lawt ” on 25 March 2022 from 8:00PM to 9:30 AM LH 20 Of our School. The guest lecturer was: Mariya Joseph ,Assistant Professor at SRM School of Law, Chennai .
Read MoreA Special lecture on the topic “MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING " was organized by Dr.G.MYTHILI for the Slot H(C) – MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (NC2850) students on 25th March 2022, The resources Person of the session was Dr.A.VIMAL DEVIKAYA ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Post graduate Research & Development of Commerce Shift - IIA.M.JAIN COLLEGE MEENAMBAKKAM.
Read MoreDept of Labour Law organised a webinar on "Health and Occupational safety at Workplaces". "The Webinar invites the guest speakers Mr. N.Bhuvaneshwaran, Faculty in School of excellence in Law, Tamil Nadu Ambedkar Law university for the first session for sharing his lecture on "An analysis on new code on Occupational safety, health and other conditions in workplace"
Read MoreA Special lecture on mooting skills conducted on 19th march 2022. Mrs. Haripriya J., a guest lecture, SOEL was the resource person. Identification of jurisdiction, framing of issues, documentation, skills required for examination of witnesses, the court manners and how to identify relevant case laws were discussed. The lecture ended with a question and answer session where the students clarified their doubts related to the topic."
Read MoreA special lecture on the topic ‘A case study analysis on life and personal liberty under Art. 21' was delivered by resource person Dr. Haritha Devi , Asst. Professor at School of Excellence of Law (Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University) on 19th March 2022. The resource person started her lecture detailing the initial interpretation of life right from the SC judgements of Kharak Singh and Maneka Gandhi.
Read MoreSpecial lecture on the topic "Investment Planning" was organized by Ms. Aruna A. R for the Financial Management (NC1551) on 19th March,2022. The resource person of the session was Mr. Nirmal Kumar, Senior Software engineer, Norton LifeLock Software Services India Pvt Ltd, Chennai The lecture began with the introduction of basic financial concepts and important terms like investment, saving, compound interest, simple interest, equity, debt etc.
Read MoreThe guest lecture on interpretation of statues was delivered by Advocate Harsha vardhini. The speaker Focused on interpretation of constitution , principle of implied powers, incidental and ancillary powers , occupied field, pith and substance , colourable legislation, territorial nexus, severability, prospective overruling and eclipse .
Read MoreA special Lecture was Conducted by A. Antony Robson, Advocate, high court of madras. He delivered a lecture on the topic Practical aspects of Family law.The speaker discussed about the Family disputes and the practical aspects of Family law almost one and half an hour by showering his knowledge. By this the students acquired eminent knowledge in the particular family law and the class was quite interesting. He focused on the role of Advocate in drafting the petition in Family court. He gave a vivid Picture on Family disputes and role of Judiciary through cases.speaker discussed about the practical aspects of filling the maintenance case. He explains the concept of Dependent.
Read MoreWebinar on “FAMILY LAW IN INDIAN LEGAL PERSPECTIVE AS PRACTICED IN THE INDIAN COURTS”. We have conducted this webinar in three sessions.
The first session washandled byMs. Mohana Priya, practisingAdvocate (Madras High Court) on 19th March 2022 @ 04:00 pm – 04:45 pm.We had nearly active participants who remained till the end . This session was conducted through a zoom meeting
Read MoreDept of Labour Law organised a webinar on 18/03/2022 from 10:00 A.M to 1:30 P.M on the topic "The Cyber security and Labour law regulations,"The growing importance of cyber security,security problems in the cyber field , need of cyber security ,Stragies used in India to curb the problem.The role and responsibilities of business development and management in It sector
Read MoreThe lecture on topic " History and Evolution of Indian constitution " is delivered by Lecturer Mrs. D.P.Haritha Srividhya, Guest Lecturer in school of excellence in Law, TNDALU on 17/03/2022 organized by Ms. T.vaishali , Assistant professor of law, SSL( SIMAT). The Lecturer has detailed out the origin, evolution and development of Indian constitution.
Read MoreA Special Lecture on Dying Declaration was conducted on 17.03.2022 by Ms.C.Chandralekha.,ML.,Guest Lecture,The Tn.Ambedkar Law University,Chennai.. Reasoning and Rationale of admitting Dying Declaration, Procedure of Recording, it’s Evidentiary Value, the Origin of the Concept and how it is considered as on evidence in other jurisdiction were discussed. The lecture was interesting with the discussions on relevant and recent Case Laws on Dying Declaration
Read More"A special lecture on the topic "Overview on the implementation of Law of Evidence in the Courts" Practical Aspects on usage of Law of Evidence" was delivered by resource person Ms. S. Prathibaa on 17th March 2022. The resource person started her lecture detailing the importance of evidence act in the Criminal and Civil Courts. She gave examples with her own suits and shared the practical usage of Evidence Act. The resource person gave an engaging lecture where the students interacted with her actively and gained knowledge on the topic of study. The lecture ended with a question and answer session where the students clarified their doubts related to the topic."
Read MoreA special lecture on the topic ‘Communication and Public Speaking Skills for Law Students' was delivered by resource person Mr. Sandesh Saravanan , Junior Associate at JP Karunakaran & Inthu Karunakaran Law Associates, on 17th March 2022. The resource person started his lecture detailing the public speaking tips 101 by highlighting the different types of communications.
Read MoreA Special Lecture was conducted by T. Logapriya, Assistant Professor Vels University, Chennai. The Lecture was on topic General Principles of Contract. She emphasised that there is no contract without lawful consideration. She gave a vivid Picture on the Formation of Contract through Landmark cases. She explains the importance of free consent of the parties to the contract. She gave students an opportunity to analysis the concept of Quasi Contract.
Read MoreThe guest lecture on professional ethics was delivered by Mrs. Thangamani lecturer at School of Excellence in Law. The speaker focused on the importance of legal profession ,legal practitioner act ,1879, Admission and enrolment of senior and other advocates , removal of names from roll, rights of advocate , professional ethics towards Court, client, Bar council of India - organising powers and functions . The session was active and provided an important educational experience on the topic of professional ethics of an advocate, gave students a better opportunity to learn about an topics
Read MoreSpecial lecture was delivered by Mr. R. Prabakar, Advocate, Madras High Court, Chennai on the topic of “Right to Property is not a Mere Constitutional Right: From a Historical Perspective”. He has started his lecture by giving a brief understanding for why understanding the Debates of the Constitution either in the Constituent Assembly or Parliament is necessary. He has stressed upon the factor that the right to property, though it has been removed from purview of the Fundamental Right, it is still considered to be so indirectly.
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